Paul Domjan

Founder and Chief Policy & Global Affairs Officer

Paul brings more than two decades of experience in energy, energy security and climate policy and research to his role as Chief Policy and Global Affairs Officer at ENODA.

Paul was the founding CEO of ENODA, leading the business through its first two years of growth and technology development. Prior to founding ENODA, he was Chief Strategy Officer at Tellimer, where he led its software platform for emerging market financial research, CEO of 4Cast-RGE, and Managing Director and Co-founder of Country Insights, where he developed the first commercial AI for the assessment and management of country economic and political risk.

Paul began working on energy system stability issues when he served as the First Energy Security Adviser to the U.S. European Command of the U.S. Department of Defence, where he led the development of the US military’s strategy for energy security in Europe, Africa, and Eurasia. He was the most senior Defence Department energy security official based in Europe and represented the US both at NATO, and with senior government and corporate stakeholders in the Europe and the US. He subsequently worked on these issues as advisor on energy security to the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee of the UK Parliament and as Energy and Climate Fellow at the Stockholm Network, where he led the climate track of the Amigo Dialogue Series in Brussels.

Paul helped to design the ground-breaking Oil Shockwave simulations with Securing America’s Future Energy, which were recognised by President Obama in his 2013 State of the Union address. He also previously served as Deputy Political Analyst in the scenario planning group at Royal Dutch/Shell.

In addition to his experience in energy security and climate policy, Paul has held a number of strategic advisory roles, including for the governments of Kazakhstan and Peru on industrial development.

He has directly supported major industrials with scenario-based strategy development, and advised key industry private equity sponsors.

Paul is a regular keynote speaker and author on topics in energy, technology, and policy. He co-authored Chain Reaction: How Blockchain Will Transform the Developing World, published in 2021 by Palgrave Macmillan, and Carbon Scenarios, published in 2008 as a project of the Stockholm Network.

Paul was a Marshall Scholar at Oxford University and is also an alumnus of London Business School and the University of Texas at Austin, where he was a National Merit Scholar.